Book a Session

  • breathing spiritual


    Embark on a journey of self-discovery and relaxation with our rejuvenating breathwork sessions. Cultivate mindfulness, improve your mental well-being, and promoting a calmer state of mind.

  • yoga private lesson

    1 - 1 Yoga

    Personalized wellness with one-on-one yoga sessions, tailored to meet your specific needs and goals. With individualized guidance, Roderick ensures a transformative and rejuvenating yoga experience crafted just for you.

  • Strength + Conditioning

    Enhance your fitness journey with Roderick’s dynamic strength and conditioning sessions, designed to boost your physical prowess and overall well-being. Roderick guides you through targeted exercises, optimizing strength, agility, and endurance for a transformative and energizing workout experience.

  • Bodywork

    Relaxation and rejuvenation with our bodywork sessions, tailored to release tension and promote overall well-being. Roderick uses a variety of techniques to address your specific needs, providing a holistic approach to enhance both physical and mental harmony.